It Repeats - A.H.Butt

My Rating - 7/10

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‘It Repeats’ is a debut YA story by A.H.Butt. This book covers the story of a girl finding her way through the tumultuous times of her parents’ divorce and her imminent relationships with people. The girl, Andrea, being a loner, is left absolutely alone when her parents start fighting after moving into a country house. She is not a very social person and hence does not have friends at her school who she can confide in. It is at this time that she meets Heath, a boy from the neighborhood, who also has gone through his parents’ divorce. She finds not just a friend in Heath, but also solace in his mother, who becomes a mother-figure for Andrea. When Andrea’s parents finally break up, she goes to stay with her now-boyfriend Heath and his mother. She gets involved in his life further when Heath moves to his college and Andrea accompanies him there. But life, which had started looking up for once for Andrea, ceases to remain so rosy when Heath evolves through his freshman days. Will Andrea be able to cope with another loss after losing both her parents?

For being a debutant, the author maintains a very smooth flow of the story. The reader is kept riveted as the story progresses. The story is not very long, and can be completed in one read. The aspects of relationship that the author portrays in this story are worth pondering in today’s world. The intricacies of relationships, especially their ever-changing nature is well brought out. The changing nature of the human character is also well portrayed in this story. The main theme that the author portrays is how frequent fights and final separation of a family affects the children. What is more important is that it affects different people differently. While it makes one stronger, it can even break a previously nice and stable person. This downward spiral of a person’s nature is very well illustrated in this story.

This book is a nice, short read. At the same time it brings to the mind some questions that are necessary to ponder over in order to maintain a semblance of normalcy in the current fast-paced, selfish world. ‘It Repeats’ brings up those questions. I really liked this book and would recommend it to all.
